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Interpretation ID: aiam0725

Mr. B. Fechner: (sic), FMC Corporation, Recreational Vehicles Division, 333 Brokaw Road, Box 664, Santa Clara, CA 95052; Mr. B. Fechner: (sic)
FMC Corporation
Recreational Vehicles Division
333 Brokaw Road
Box 664
Santa Clara
CA 95052;

Dear Mr. Fechner:#This is in reply to your letter of May 25 inquirin about compliance of your planned motorhome with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards Nos. 101 and 104.#Standard No. 101 requires certain controls to be illuminated. We interpret this to mean sufficiently illuminated that the control identification, if verbal, can be read, or if pictorial, can be understood. Therefore, illumination from any course is satisfactory as long as the basic requirement of comprehension is met.#Standard No. 104 does not describe the type of windshield wiping system that must be used to meet its requirements. It is the manufacturer's responsibility to insure, whatever system is used and whatever configuration of windshield is employed, that the wiped and washed area requirements are met.#Yours truly, Richard B. Dyson, Assistant Chief Counsel;