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Interpretation ID: aiam0807

Mr. Charles R. Matthews, Sr. Safety Engineer, Oshkosh Truck Corporation, P. O. Box 560, Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54091; Mr. Charles R. Matthews
Sr. Safety Engineer
Oshkosh Truck Corporation
P. O. Box 560
Wisconsin 54091;

Dear Mr. Matthews: This is in response to your letter of July 5, 1972, requesting a opinion as to how manufacturers may take into account a vehicle's speed capability in establishing GAWR.; The Certification regulations do not specify particular speed criteri for establishing weight ratings. As a minimum, however, we believe the speed chosen should reflect the maximum speed at which it is reasonable to expect the vehicle to be driven. In the case where a vehicle is subject to some low-speed uses, such as seasonal sue as a snow plow, we believe the figure on the certification label should be based on that use of the vehicle in which its expected speed is greatest. The regulations do not provide for variable ratings based on speed.; Finally, you ask whether cautionary labels dealing with GAWR and GVW figures may be installed in the cab. The NHTSA does not object to the use of such labels. They may be used, as appropriate, to indicate permissible use of higher loads in low-speed applications.; Yours truly, Richard B. Dyson, Assistant Chief Counsel