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Interpretation ID: aiam2912

Mr. R.W. Fink, AMF Incorporated, 3700 W. Juneau Avenue, P.O. Box 653, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201; Mr. R.W. Fink
AMF Incorporated
3700 W. Juneau Avenue
P.O. Box 653
Wisconsin 53201;

Dear Mr. Fink: This is in reply to your letter of November 7, 1978, concerning th lettering permissible under Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 115, and in confirmation of your conversation with Mr. Schwartz of my office.; Paragraph S4.3.1 of the standard provides that the type face utilize for the vehicle identification number shall consist of capital, san serif characters. Although the '1' in the 'posident' type face which you propose to use has a slight serif at the top, the type face would still be considered sans serif. Consequently, there is no bar to utilizing 'posident' if you desire.; Sincerely, Joseph J. Levin, Jr., Chief Counsel