Interpretation ID: aiam0702
Pastor and Student Chaplain
The United Methodist Church
Moland Road
Post Office Box 488
NY 14302;
Dear Mr. Douglas: This is in reply to your letter of May 2, 1972, in which you reques information relating to your responsibilities under the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966 (the Act) and the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) and regulations issued thereunder.; Motor homes are not defined as such under the regulations. They fall i the category of multipurpose passenger vehicle and would be subject to all of the standards that apply to that type vehicle.; I am enclosing the following publications. The answers to you questions can be found therein:; >>>1. The Act 2. December 2, 1971, edition of the Federal Register - Recodification 3. Part 566 of Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations Manufacturer Identification; 4. Part 567 - Certification 5. Part 568 - Vehicles Manufactured in Two or More Stages 6. Part 573 - Defect Reports 7. Part 574 - Tire Identification 8. Notice of Publications Change<<< In the event you purchase an incomplete vehicle (chassis) fro Cadillac, they will furnish the documentation as required by part 568. In modifying the chassis you assume the role as an intermediate manufacturer and the recreational vehicle manufacturer becomes the final stage manufacturer. All terms are defined in Part 568.; Federal regulations concerning anti-pollution emission control device are not the responsibility of the Department of Transportation, but of the Environmental Protection Agency. A copy of your inquiry is being furnished to the Director, Division of Certification and Surveillance, Mobile Source Pollution Control Program, 2565 Plymouth Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105. He will, I am sure, forward such information as he deems appropriate.; If you have further questions, I will be pleased to answer them. Sincerely, Francis Armstrong, Director, Office of Standard Enforcement, Motor Vehicle Programs;