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Interpretation ID: aiam0082

Mr. D. S. Jarman, National Service Manager, Service Department, Volvo, Incorporated, Rockleigh, NJ 07647; Mr. D. S. Jarman
National Service Manager
Service Department
NJ 07647;

Dear Mr. Jarman: Thank you for your letter of May 15, 1968, concerning electricall heated glass which you anticipate using for rear windows in your motor vehicles.; The present glazing requirement for motor vehicles are covered in Moto Vehicle Safety Standard No. 205, 'Glazing Materials.' Section S3, Requirements, stipulates that the glazing materials used must conform to U.S.A. Standard Z 26.1-1966, 'American Standard Safety Code for Safety Glazing Materials for Glazing Motor Vehicles Operating on Land Highways,' July 15, 1966. If the electrically heated glass you mentioned meets the requirements of Standard No. 205, we would have no objection to its use.; Sincerely, George C. Nield, Acting Director, Motor Vehicle Safet Performance Service;