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Interpretation ID: aiam0578

Miss Donna M. Bernard, Scott's Trailer Market, 2020 Fremont Street, Las Vegas, NV 89101; Miss Donna M. Bernard
Scott's Trailer Market
2020 Fremont Street
Las Vegas
NV 89101;

Dear Miss Bernard: In reply to your letter of January 28, 1972, we are enclosing a copy o Regulation Part 574 - Tire Identification and Recordkeeping.; To answer your specific question whether the manufacturer i responsible for furnishing the tire serial numbers, as a matter of record, on the invoice of the vehicle, the regulation does not specify this requirement.; The manufacturer is not required to retain a record of tir identification numbers for each vehicle prior to shipment of the vehicle. Normally, the dealer records these numbers at the time of sale along with the purchaser's name and address. The manufacturer provides the means to record this information and the dealer remits the information to him.; If the manufacturer chooses to retain a record of tire identificatio numbers for each vehicle prior to shipment, although he is not required to do so, he may request the dealer to send him only replacement numbers involved in a change, plus name and address of purchaser.; Please let us know if you need further clarification of the subject. Sincerely, E. T. Driver, Director, Office of Operating Systems, Moto Vehicle Programs;