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Interpretation ID: aiam2457

Mr. John F. McCuen, Kelsey-Hayes Company, Romulus, Michigan 48174; Mr. John F. McCuen
Kelsey-Hayes Company
Michigan 48174;

Dear Mr. McCuen: This responds to Kelsey-Hayes' April 21, 1976, question whether moto vehicle rims that are labeled in conformity with the requirements of Standard No. 120, *Tire Selection and Rims for Vehicles Other Than Passenger Cars, May be installed on passenger cars.; The requirements of S5.2 of Standard No. 120 for labeling of rims fo use on multipurpose passenger vehicles, trucks, busses, trailers, and motorcycles do not affect the use of those rims on passenger cars. This situation would change if Standard No. 110, *Tire Selection and Rims*, is modified in the future to prohibit one or more of the items required by S5.2, but such an eventuality is considered to be unlikely.; Sincerely, Frank A. Berndt, Acting Chief Counsel