Interpretation ID: aiam1098
R. W. Lillie & Company
1100 Glendon Avenue
Suite 1449
Los Angeles
CA 90024;
Dear Mr. Lillie: Thank you for your letter of April 3, 1973, and your further inquir concerning silicone brake fluids and plastic fuel tanks. Although performance characteristics for silicone brake fluids have not yet been proposed by this agency, we have adopted regulations covering labelling of containers for these fluids. The copy of Standard No. 116 enclosed with your last letter may not have included this latest amendment, a copy of which is enclosed for your information. This constitutes all the information we are presently able to supply concerning silicon brake fluids. However, future rule making action concerning these fluids is scheduled for the near future.; Regarding further actions concerning plastic fuel tanks, we woul advise, as stated in our last letter dated March 29, 1973, that you contact the Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety for further information at the following address:; >>>Director, Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety, Department o Transportation, 400 Seventh Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20590; Sincerely, Robert L. Carter, Associate Administrator, Motor Vehicl Programs;