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Interpretation ID: aiam1870

Mr. David A. Tenquist, Marketing Department, Novus, Inc., 5301 B Edina Industrial Blvd., Minneapolis, MN 55435; Mr. David A. Tenquist
Marketing Department
5301 B Edina Industrial Blvd.
MN 55435;

Dear Mr. Tenquist: This is in reply to your letter of March 12, 1975, inquiring as t whether any safety regulation of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration applies to the 'Novus Windshield Repair Kit,' manufactured by your firm.; An advertising brochure for the product states that the material use in the process 'is a special waterproof epoxy that not only fills the fissure in the glass but also bonds the crack surfaces to prevent formation or extension of radial cracks.'; There is no safety regulation of the National Highway Traffic Safet Administration, nor any other Federal law or regulation, which prohibits the use of such a material or process in the repair of windshields which have previously been installed in vehicles and damaged in use. Using such a material or process in a new windshield which may require repair as the result of damage sustained in shipment could cause the windshield to fail to meet the performance requirement of Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 205 (49 CFR S 571.205) and we would therefore discourage use of the Novus kit on new windshields.; Please do not hesitate to contact us if we may be of furthe assistance.; Yours truly, Richard B. Dyson, Assistant Chief Counsel