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Interpretation ID: aiam1846

Honorable Hubert H. Humphrey, United States Senate, Washington, DC 20510; Honorable Hubert H. Humphrey
United States Senate
DC 20510;

Dear Senator Humphrey: This responds to your letter of March 4, requesting consideration o Mr. Robert Bjorklund's view that Federal standards require disc brake systems on pick-up and 1-ton trucks.; There is no Federal motor vehicle safety standard which requires dis brakes on trucks or any other vehicles. The only brake standard applicable to trucks at this time is Standard No. 121, *Air brake systems*, and this standard is limited to the performance of trucks which the manufacturer chooses to equip with air brakes. Mr. Bjorklund describes his vehicles as pick- ups and 1-ton trucks, which to our knowledge, are equipped only with hydraulic brake systems. Therefore they are not subject to any Federal brake performance standard.; We conclude that the manufacturers of these vehicles have made th decision that their products should be equipped with disc brakes.; Sincerely, William H. Marsh, Executive Secretary