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Interpretation ID: aiam4202

Mr. Skip Maraney, National Star Route Mail Contractor Association, 324 East Capitol Street, Washington, DC 20003; Mr. Skip Maraney
National Star Route Mail Contractor Association
324 East Capitol Street
DC 20003;

Dear Mr. Maraney: This responds to your telephone inquiry about whether our regulation would prohibit the installation of a right hand drive steering system in a motor vehicle. We do not have any standards that prohibit the use of a right hand drive steering system. We have, however, issued two safety standards (Standard Nos. 203 and 204) that set performance requirements which apply to any steering system, whether left or right hand drive, installed in new passenger cars and light trucks, buses, and multipurpose passenger vehicles. A copy of each of these standards is enclosed.; You also asked about the agency's regulations on the importation o motor vehicles. I have enclosed a copy of a publication, 'Instructions Handbook for Complying with Regulations on Imported Vehicles,' which will provide you with information about our importation regulations.; If you have any further questions, please let me know. Sincerely, Erika Z. Jones, Chief Counsel