Interpretation ID: aiam2414
House of Representatives
DC 20515;
Dear Mrs. Sullivan: This is in response to your September 20, 1976, letter concernin record keeping with respect to new passenger cars that are damaged prior to retail sale.; I would like to clarify the discussion of record requirements in m September 14, 1976, letter to you. While the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) does not require vehicle manufacturers to create records of safety-related repairs that are made to new motor vehicles prior to sale, we do require the *retention* of all such records that are in fact created by the manufacturer. Through such records, the NHTSA can in many cases trace the history of vehicles suspected of containing safety- related defects. We have not to date found a safety need sufficient to justify further requirements specifically regarding identification of the vehicles in question.; A copy of the record retention regulation, 49 CFR Part 576, is enclose for your convenience.; Sincerely, John W. Snow, Administrator