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Interpretation ID: aiam0096

Herr A. Hammerstein, Robert Bosch GMBH, 700 Stuttgart 1, Germany; Herr A. Hammerstein
Robert Bosch GMBH
700 Stuttgart 1

>>>Ref: A/B GE 3 Hn/Ra<<< Dear Mr. Hammerstein: The Bureau of Customs has forwarded to us for further reply a copy o your letter to them of May 21 asking whether lighting units for passenger cars, which do not conform to the requirements of Federal motor vehicle safety standard 108, may be admitted to the United States after January 1, 1969.; Amended Federal standard No. 108, effective January 1, 1969, specifie lighting requirements for various categories of motor vehicles including passenger cars manufactured on or after that date. It does not specify requirements for individual items of lighting equipment. This means that these individual items, no matter what the date of manufacture, may be imported into the United States after January 1, 1969, because they will have been manufactured on a date when there were no standards in effect applicable to them.; I hope this answers your question. Sincerely, Robert M. O'Mahoney, Assistant Chief Counsel for Regulations