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Interpretation ID: aiam2183

Mr. Hans Sylven, AB Stil-Industri, Box 70,440 20, Vargarda, Sweden; Mr. Hans Sylven
AB Stil-Industri
Box 70
440 20

Dear Mr. Sylven: This responds to Stil-Industri's December 12, 1975, question whethe S5.2(d)(1) of Standard No. 209, *Seat* *Belt* *Assemblies*, specifies, in the case of a push-button release, the location and direction of force application used in testing the release under the requirements of S4.3(d)(1). Section S5.2(d)(1) provides in part:; >>>(1)...The buckle release force shall be measured by applying a forc on the buckle in a manner and direction typical of those which would be employed by a seatbelt occupant. For pushbutton-release buckles, the force shall be applied at least 0.125 inch from the edge of the push- button access opening of the buckle in a direction that produces maximum releasing effect...<<<; The NHTSA interprets these provisions of S5.2(d)(1) to permit th manufacturer to apply force in the direction and location that provides the best possible mechanical advantage relative to the manufacturer's buckle design. The only limitation in the case of a push- button design is that the manufacturer must not apply the force any closer than 0.125 inch from the edge of the push-button access opening.; Yours truly, Richard B. Dyson, Assistant Chief Counsel