Interpretation ID: aiam0782
1701 E. Frierson Avenue
Florida 33610;
Dear Mr. Navarro: I am writing in response to your letter of July 5, 1972, regardin Standard No. 125, Warning Devices. You ask whether the manufacture of the warning device you propose would be permitted under the standard. As stated in my letter to you dated July 11, 1972, the device must meet the requirements of Standard 125. It appeared from the picture of your device which you submitted that the device would fail to meet a number of these requirements.; You also ask what type of energy the phrase, 'self-contained energ source' refers to. The phrase refers to energy used by a device to provide a warning signal, as contrasted with reflective or luminous devices that utilize exogenous light. Thus the fact that your device utilizes compressed air and contains a magnet does not make it a device with a self-contained energy source within the meaning of Standard 125,; Sincerely, Richard B. Dyson, Assistant Chief Counsel