Interpretation ID: aiam0628
General Manager
U. M. Electrical Distributors Ltd.
Beaumont Road
Dear Mr. Masters: This is in response to your letter of March 6, 1972, concerning warnin buzzers for the automobile industry.; The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has issued tw safety standards which specify warning requirements. These requirements are given in Paragraph S4.4 of Standard 114 and Paragraph S7.3.1 of Standard 208. A copy of these two standards are enclosed for your review and further information.; You will note that these standards do not stipulate minimu requirements for the warning devices, and, at the present time, we have no plans to specify such requirements. The data sheet, however, which you enclosed will be useful to us should we specify such requirements in future amendments to these standards.; We appreciate your writing to us, and if we can be of any furthe service, please let us know.; Sincerely, E. T. Driver, Director, Office of Operating Systems, Moto Vehicle Programs;