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Interpretation ID: aiam2770

Mr. J. Kawano, 1099 Wall Street, West, Lyndhurst, NJ 07071; Mr. J. Kawano
1099 Wall Street
NJ 07071;

Dear Mr. Kawano: This responds to your January 23, 1978, letter asking whether Safet Standard No. 205, *Glazing Materials*, would be applicable to tempered glass mounted on the outside panel of a vehicle B-pillar' for ornamental purposes.; The answer to your question is no. Since there would be no danger tha vehicle occupants would contact the ornamental glass, it would not have to comply with the performance and location requirements of Standard No. 205. This interpretation assumes, of course, that the glass is used only on the outside panel of a solid B-pillar'. Standard No. 205 would be applicable, for example, if the glass were used in a cut-out section of a B-pillar', such that there was an interface of the glass with the vehicle occupant compartment.; Sincerely, Joseph J. Levin, Jr., Chief Counsel