Interpretation ID: aiam1625
Engineering Section
Department of California Highway Patrol
P. O. Box 898
Dear Mr. Heath: This is in reply to your letter of September 3, 1974, asking nin questions about motorcycle sidecars.; The Office of Crash Avoidance replied to these questions by letter o September 5, 1974, and I generally concur with their comments, but wish to make the following observations with respect to Questions 2 and 7. The answer to Question 2 assumes that the motor cycle is initially sold with the sidecar attached. In the event that an item of motor vehicle equipment (of which a sidecar is an example) would prevent compliance of the motorcycle's reflector device with the visibility requirements, pursuant to S4.3.1.1 of Standard No. 108 an auxiliary reflector must be provided. A location on the sidecar would be appropriate. Standard No. 108, however, does not cover sidecar *per se* and hence does not require a reflective device or any other lighting equipment on them.; With respect to Question 7, Standard No. 119 applies only to motorcycl tires and not to tires designed exclusively for use on sidecars. We are, however, seriously considering proposing an amendment that would include sidecar tires. Standard No. 120, still in the internal discussion stage, would then cover sidecar tire rims when formally proposed.; Yours truly, Richard B. Dyson, Acting Chief Counsel