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Interpretation ID: aiam1464

Mr. R. Debesson, General Secretary, European Tyre and Rim Technical Organisation, Avenue Brugmann, 32, 1060 Bruxelles, BELGIUM; Mr. R. Debesson
General Secretary
European Tyre and Rim Technical Organisation
Avenue Brugmann
1060 Bruxelles

Dear Mr. Debesson: This is in reply to your Submission Nos. 78 and 79, of February 1 1974, and February 19, 1974, respectively. In Submission No. 79 you request that several corrections be made to the Tables of the Appendices of Standard Nos. 109 and 110 as they appeared in the *Federal Register* on November 1, 1973 (38 FR 30234). In Submission No. 78 you request new additions to the Tables.; You request in Submission No. 79 that Footnote No. 1 of Table I-S an I-T in standard No. 109 be corrected. A correction of those footnotes was published in the *Federal Register* on February 5, 1974 (39 FR 4578), and we enclose a copy. You also request that in Table I-C of Standard No. 109 the test rim width for the 165-15 tire size designation be changed to 4 1/2 inches. That correction was published in the *Federal Register* of November 13, 1973 (38 FR 31309), copy also enclosed.; You further request that Table I-D be corrected by changing the tes rim width of the 145-10 tire size designation to 4 1/2 inches, by changing the minimum size factor of the 230-15 tire size designation to '37.30,' and by changing the test rim width of the 165-400 tire size designation to '4.65.' Our review of previous publications show these three items and we will publish a correction regarding them. You also request changed in several load inflation values in Tables I-H and I-N. The November 1, 1973, publication is incorrect with respect to these load values as well, and we will publish a correction regarding them.; We cannot, however, grant your request that we correct in Table I-F th 16 psi (from '705 to '760') for the 5.60 R 15 and 5.90 R 13 tire size designations without first receiving a formal submission from E.T.R.T.O. requesting the change. The 705-pound load is a carryover from earlier Tables, and we cannot conclude that the Table as published on November 1 is in error. Accordingly, if you wish the load value to be modified to 760 pounds you must request such a change in accordance with the abbreviated rulemaking procedures published in the *Federal Register* on October 5, 1968 (33 FR 14964). Upon receipt and approval of E.T.R.T.O.'s submission, we will make the requested change in the subsequent quarterly amendment to the Tables.; You ask in Submission No. 78 that we add to Table I-H the 165 SR 1 tire size designation and the alternate rim size 500b. No amendment is necessary to include the 165 SR 13 tire size designation in Table I-H. Tire size 165 R 13 is listed, and Footnote 1 of the Table allows the 'S' to be placed adjacent to the 'R.' We will, however, add the 5.00B rim as an alternative rim size for the 165 R 13 tire size designation in the next quarterly amendment to the Tables.; We are pleased to be of assistance. Sincerely, Lawrence R. Schneider, Chief Counsel