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Interpretation ID: aiam4298

Mr. Paul J. Ryan, Staff Engineer, SEMA, 11001 E. valley Mall, Suite 200, El Monte, California 91734; Mr. Paul J. Ryan
Staff Engineer
11001 E. valley Mall
Suite 200
El Monte
California 91734;

Dear Mr. Ryan: This responds to your March 24, 1977, letter asking about th applicability of Standard No. 120, *Tire Selection and Rims for Motor vehicles Other Than passenger Cars*, to aftermarket rims.; Your first assumption that vans and light trucks models are classifie as vehicles other than passenger cars is correct. Accordingly, rims manufactured for use in these vehicles must comply with the requirements of the standard. Where the rims may be used in the aftermarket either on passenger cars or vehicles other than passenger cars, they must comply with the requirements of Standard No. 120.; On a related matter concerning the aftermarket, you question whethe Standard No. 120 has applicability to rims sold for use on used vehicles. Section S3 of the standard states that the requirements apply to motor vehicles other than passenger cars and to rims for use on those vehicles. This indicates that the standard is both a motor vehicle and an equipment standard. Since it is an equipment standard, the requirements apply to all rims manufactured for use on the specified vehicles regardless of whether the rim will be original equipment or sold in the aftermarket.; Sincerely, Frank Berndt, Acting Chief Counsel