Interpretation ID: aiam1798
Committee on Commerce
United States Senate
DC 20510;
Dear Mr. Chairman: This is in response to your letter of January 31, 1975, in which yo asked whether the question of a lowering of the bumper impact requirements had been prejudged, and also requested our position on the question of cost-effectiveness of bumper designs.; With respect to your first question, I give you my unqualifie assurance that the question of what bumper impact level should be required has not been prejudged. My mind is certainly still open, and we are examining with keen interest the comments we are receiving on the proposal before any final decision is made. The statement you quoted, that certain factors lead us to believe that the proposed action 'appears to be necessary,' reflects the attitude of tentative judgment that we normally have at the time a proposal is issued. The comments we receive help us to determine whether the 'appearance' of the necessity of an action is realistic.; The problem of obtaining the most cost-effective bumper designs i response to a performance standard is a difficult one. With most standards the problem has not been as significant, because the interest of manufacturers in keeping their costs down generally has coincided with the best interest of the consumer. A bumper that provides significant protection can be such a major weight factor, however, that the cheapest design from a manufacturer's standpoint may not be the least costly to the consumer if lifetime fuel and maintenance costs are figured in.; We are studying the possibility of putting a limit on bumper weight a an explicit requirement of the bumper standard. We have no doubt that the Motor Vehicle Information and Costs Savings Act gives us the legal authority to do this, since weight and the attendant fuel penalty is a major factor in consumer cost. The questions we have at this time involve technology (*e.g.*, how to identify the systems in question so that their weight can be objectively limited without undue design restriction) and policy (*e.g.*, whether weight limitations may lead to new cost-effectiveness problems if manufacturers choose to use exotic materials); I deeply appreciate the interest you have shown in this matter. I a sure our interests coincide: obtaining the greatest net benefits from the bumper systems that consumers buy.; Sincerely, James B. Gregory, Administrator