Interpretation ID: aiam0189
Vice President
Safety and Quality Assurance
American Motors Corporation
14250 Plymouth Road
MI 48232;
Dear Mr. Bernitt: We have received your submittal of consumer information in response t the requirements of 49 CFR Part 375. That regulation requires that manufacturers submit their information to the Administrator 30 days in advance of the time it is made available to prospective purchasers. Since we have not required that this advance submittal be in the same form as that given to prospective purchasers, the following comments are only advisory in nature. There are several respects, however, in which your information, if supplied in this form to prospective or actual purchasers, would not satisfy the requirements of the regulations.; >>>1. The Stopping Distance information is presented as a 'range o stopping distances,' both in numerical and graphical form. The regulations clearly require a single stopping distance figure to be provided for a given group, that can be met or exceeded by all vehicles in the group. We do not know, and consumers surely would not know, the significance of the lower figure given. Even if it were clear, the provision of such additional, non-required information in close proximity to the required data would cause confusion in attempting to compare figures between various makes--the main purpose of the information.; 2. The provision of four sets of data in respect to partial failure o the braking system, for 'fronts operative' and 'rears operative,' and for lightly-loaded and maximum-loaded vehicles, is not in accordance with the regulation requirement that information be provided for the 'most adverse combination' of weights and system failures. As stated in item 1, above, the inserting of this additional information, self-serving in every case since only the worst element should be included, would make comparisons difficult and be unfair to competing manufacturers who followed the regulations strictly.; 3. The form of the Stopping Distance information would fail to satisf the requirement that the information be presented 'in essentially the form illustrated in Figure 1' of 49 CFR S 375.101. In particular, we refer to the placing of two columns side by side instead of the single-axis graph depicted in that figure, and the inclusion of other verbiage between the required statements and warnings and the information itself. The reference to shorter stopping distances with wheel lock-up and without restricting pedal effort, between the required information and the graphs, is especially objectionable, since the safety advantages of avoiding wheel skid were a particular concern in developing this regulation. Although the regulations do not prohibit the provision of other than required information in a Consumer Information booklet, they do require that it be separated in such a manner that the required information, both textual and quantitative, is presented in 'essentially the form illustrated.'; 4. The Tire Reserve Load section of the regulations requires that 'th table that is provided for a specific vehicle shall contain only information that is applicable to that vehicle.' This requirement prohibits a large, all-purpose chart such as yours, with information for many vehicles included on it, at least as far as the information given to the actual purchaser of a vehicle is concerned. More generally, the information is not presented in 'essentially the form illustrated in Figure 1' of 49 CFR S 375.102.; 5. The large, all-inclusive bar graph on Acceleration and Passin Ability does not present the information in 'essentially the form illustrated in Figure 1' of 49 CFR S 375.106, as required.<<<; We will be glad to answer any questions that you may have with respec to the requirements of these or other motor vehicle safety regulations and standards.; Sincerely, Robert Brenner, Acting Director