Interpretation ID: aiam0536
53 Bonn-Beuel 1
Rosenbach 32
Ortsteil Putzen
Gentlemen: This is in reference to your letter of August 22, 1972, requestin information relative to Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 125, 'Warning Devices.'; You state that the width of the reflex reflective material in th Warning Triangle you are concerned with is 1.6732 inches, and inquire whether it is permissible to utilize 'for manufacturing reasons' a non-reflective border around the reflective material which would increase the width of the red reflective section to 1.8504 inches.; Paragraph S5.2.2 of Standard 125 specifies that the width of each o the three sides of the triangular portion of the warning device shall be not less than 2 and not more than 3 inches wide, as depicted in Figure 1. If the required widths specified in S5.2.5 for the red reflex reflective and orange fluorescent materials are met, provision of non-reflective or non-fluorescent 'border' material is permitted, as long as the overall width requirements for the side of the triangle are also met.; I hope this answers your questions. Sincerely, E.T. Driver, Director, Office of Operating Systems, Moto Vehicle Programs;