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Interpretation ID: aiam4125

Mr. Bob Carlson, 8305 29th Avenue, N.W., Seattle, WA 98117; Mr. Bob Carlson
8305 29th Avenue
WA 98117;

Dear Mr. Carlson: This responds to your January 23, 1986 letter inquiring about Federa motor vehicle safety standards applicable to your projected sale of aftermarket windshield wiper systems for trucks.; Under the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act, this agenc has issued Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 104, *Windshield Wiping and Washing Systems*, applicable to new motor vehicles. As you note, this standard applies to trucks, as well as other types of vehicles. In your letter, you ask which performance requirements apply to wiping systems for trucks.; Under S4. *Requirements*, new trucks are required to have power-driven windshield wiping system that meets the requirements of S4.1.1. The frequency requirements in S4.1.1 apply to trucks, but the wiped area requirements of S4.1.2 apply only to passenger cars. Trucks must also have a windshield washing system that meets the requirements of SAE Recommended Practice J942, November 1965, except that the 'effective wipe pattern' is considered to be 'the pattern designed by the manufacturer for the windshield wiping system on the exterior surface of the windshield glazing.' Therefore, the vehicle manufacturer establishes the wipe pattern of the system.; If a new truck equipped with your wiper system did not comply wit Standard No. 104 due to some aspect of that system, the sale of that truck to the public would be a violation of the prohibition in section 108(a)(1)(A) of the Act against the sale of noncomplying vehicles.; I hope this information is helpful to you. Sincerely, Erika Z. Jones, Chief Counsel