Interpretation ID: aiam2337
FAM Enterprises
P.O. Box 563
MT 59474;
Dear Mr. Mercer: This responds to your May 17, 1976, question whether special safet requirements exist for a vehicle that is modified to permit its operation by a handicapped person from a wheelchair that is secured at the driver's position.; Section 108(a)(1)(A) of the A) of the National Traffic and Moto Vehicle Safety Act (the Act) (15 U.S.C. S 1397(a)(1)(A)) specifies that; >>>S 1397 (a)(1) No person shall -- (A) manufacture for sale, sell, offer for sale, or introduce or delive for introduction in interstate commerce, or import into the United States, any motor vehicle or item of motor vehicle equipment <<<; unless it is in conformity with all applicable standards. If you modifications are made to a new vehicle prior to its first purchase for purposes other than resale and involve more than the addition of readily attachable components or minor finishing operations, Part 567 of our regulations requires that the vehicle remain in compliance following these alterations and that any change of gross vehicle weight rating or type classification be noted (49 CFR 567.7).; Assuming that the vehicle you modify is a multipurpose passenge vehicle under NHTSA regulations (*e.g*., a van-type vehicle that does not qualify as a truck) (49 CFR 571.3), it appears from your description of intended modifications that compliance with the following Federal motor vehicle safety standards might be affected:>>>; Standard No. 101, *Control Location, Identification, and Display* Standard No. 102, *Transmission Shift Lever Sequence, Starte Interlock, and Transmission Braking Effect*; Standard No. 111, *Rearview Mirrors* Standard No. 124, *Accelerator Control Systems* Standard No. 206, *Door Locks and Door Retention Components* Standard No. 208, *Occupant Crash Protection* Standard No. 209, *Seat Belt Assemblies* Standard No. 210, *Seat Belt Assembly Anchorages*<<< I have enclosed an information sheet that explains how to obtain copie of our standards and regulations.; There are no additional Federal motor vehicle safety requirements tha apply to vehicles operated by a handicapped person sitting at the driver's position in a wheelchair. I have enclosed a Veterans Administration document detailing their specifications for vehicle modifications.; Exemptions from the motor vehicle safety standards are available onl to the manufacturers of motor vehicles in accordance with S 123 of the Act (15 U.S.C. 1410).; Sincerely, Frank Berndt, Acting Chief Counsel