Search Interpretations
Interpretation ID: aiam2730
Mr. Bjorn Svendsen, Viking-Mjondalen A/S, Postboks 55, 3051 Mjondalen, Norway;
Mr. Bjorn Svendsen
Viking-Mjondalen A/S
Postboks 55
3051 Mjondalen
Viking-Mjondalen A/S
Postboks 55
3051 Mjondalen
Dear Mr. Svendsen: This is in response to your letter of December 19, 1977, asking whethe there are current plans to upgrade the requirements of Part 581, *Bumper Standard*, by increasing the impact test speeds to 7.5 mph.; There are, at present, no plans to increase the test speeds specifie in Part 581. If, at any time in the future, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration determines that an upgrading of the bumper standard is in order, a Federal Register notice proposing such plans would be issued, providing all interested parties with an opportunity to comment on the suggested provisions. No final rule would be issued without a prior notice of proposed rulemaking.; Sincerely, Joseph J. Levin, Jr., Chief Counsel