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Interpretation ID: aiam1468

Mr. Fred A. Hogan, President, Hawk Motor Homes, Inc., 142 Second Street, Belleville, MI 48111; Mr. Fred A. Hogan
Hawk Motor Homes
142 Second Street
MI 48111;

Dear Mr. Hogan: This is in reply to your letter of March 27, 1974, enclosing a sampl certification label and requesting that we approve as an alternate location the inside wall left of the driver's seat beneath the driver's side window, to the left of the dash.; The labels you supply state in day, month, and year, the dates o complete and incomplete vehicle manufacture, and that date by which applicable standards are determined. The Certification regulations (49 CFR Parts 567, 568) call for these dates to be stated only by month and year. While we prefer that the regulation be followed specifically, and thus that month and year only be specified, we will accept the format you have submitted which includes the day. The other information on the labels conforms to the Certification requirement.; With respect to your request for an alternate location, we approve th alternate location you request.; Sincerely, Lawrence R. Schneider, Chief Counsel