Interpretation ID: aiam4410
Rode & Qualey
295 Madison Avenue
New York
NY 10017;
Dear Mr. Maloney: This responds to your letter seeking an interpretation of Standard No 211, *Wheel Nuts, Wheel Discs, and Hub Caps* (49 CFR S571.211). Section S3 of this standard states, 'Wheel nuts, hub caps, and wheel discs for use on passenger cars and multipurpose passenger vehicles shall not incorporate winged projections.' You asked whether these components are permitted to incorporate winged projections if the winged projections do not extend beyond the wheel rim when mounted. As we have stated several times in the past, winged projects are prohibited on wheel nuts, hub caps, and wheel discs, *regardless* of whether the winged projections are recessed below the level of the wheel rim.; This issue was first raised in response to the notice of propose rulemaking for the initial Federal motor vehicle safety standards, published on December 3, 1966 (31 FR 15212). That notice proposed language for Standard No. 211 that was identical with that which was adopted. In response to this proposal, a manufacture commented that it did not consider its winged wheel nuts a hazard to pedestrians or cyclists, because the winged wheel nuts did not extend beyond the outermost projection of the wheel rim. The final rule published on February 3, 1967 (32 FR 2408) did not make any change to the proposed language in response to this comment.; In a report issued on March 17, 1967 on the development of the initia Federal motor vehicle safety standards, the agency summarized the comments on the proposed standards and its response to those comments. I have enclosed a copy of the summary of Standard No. 211 for your information. As you will see, this summary recited the manufacturer's comments on winged projections that were located inside the outermost projection of the wheel rim and tire. The summary goes on to say, 'The Agency did not agree, and retained the prohibition of even such recess winged structures lest the clothes of child pedestrians and others be caught.' Hence, arguments about the unobjectionability of *recessed* winged projections were considered and rejected by the agency more than twenty years ago.; We have repeated this position in our subsequent interpretations o Standard No. 211. I have enclosed copies of an August 26, 1970 letter to Mr. James S. Campbell ('...any winged projection is prohibited, even if recessed.'), a November 25, 1975 letter to Mr. James J. Schardt ('Our interpretation of Standard No. 211 is that S3 prohibits winged projections that do not extend beyond the outer edge of the tire or rim, as well as those that do.'), and a January 31, 1980 letter to Mr. Doug Smith ('...the standard prohibits the use of all winged projections regardless of the extent to which they extend from a rim.').; After examining the history of this requirement, we have concluded tha the language of the standard itself draws no distinction between winged projections that do not extend beyond the outer edge of the rim and those that do. Instead, section S3 provides that the identified components 'shall *not* incorporate winged projections.' We reaffirm our previous interpretations, which concluded that this language prohibits *all* winged projections on the identified components, not just those that extend beyond the outer edge of the rim.; You concluded by asking me to state that recessed winged projection may by imported, offered for sale, and sold in the United States. I cannot make such a statement. Since those winged projections are prohibited by Standard No. 211, section 108(a)(1)(A) of the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act, as amended (15 U.S.C. 1397(a)(1)(A)) makes it illegal to 'manufacture for sale, sell, offer for sale, or introduce or deliver for introduction in interstate commerce, or import into the United States' any wheel discs, wheel nuts, or hub caps that incorporate winged projections. Section 109 of the Safety Act (15 U.S.C. 1398) specifies a civil penalty of up to $1000 for each violation of section 108(a), and we would consider each sale of wheel discs, wheel nuts, or hub caps with winged projections to be a separate violation of section 108(a).; If you have any further questions on this matter, please feel free t contact Mr. Kratzke at this address or by telephone at (202) 366-2992.; Sincerely, Erika Z. Jones, Chief Counsel