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Interpretation ID: aiam1393

Mr. Lee Moses, Trailer Coach Association, 3855 East LaPalma Avenue, Anaheim, CA, 92806; Mr. Lee Moses
Trailer Coach Association
3855 East LaPalma Avenue

Dear Mr. Moses: This is in response to your telephone request of February 6, 1974 concerning the application of Standard No. 302, *Flammability of Interior Materials.*; The standard applies to passenger cars, multipurpose passenge vehicles, trucks, and buses. It does not apply to trailers, the vehicle category which includes mobile homes and other towed recreational vehicles, but it does apply to motor homes and to those campers that are constructed on new chassis. Accordingly, any of the components listed in paragraph S4.1 that are installed in the occupant compartments of the motor vehicles to which the standard is applicable must meet the standard's requirements.; You also asked whether a State may have a motor vehicle safety standar applicable to vehicles covered by a Federal standard that differs from the requirements of the Federal standard. The answer is no. Under the preemption provision of the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act, section 103(d), 15 U.S.C. 1392(d), State motor vehicle requirements, if any, have to be identical to the requirements of the Federal standard. Any differing requirements would be void.; Yours truly, Richard B. Dyson, Assistant Chief Counsel