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Interpretation ID: aiam3341

Mr. H. Miyazawa, Director, Automotive Lighting, Engineering Department, Stanley Electric Co., Ltd., 2-9-13, Nakameguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153, Japan; Mr. H. Miyazawa
Automotive Lighting
Engineering Department
Stanley Electric Co.
Tokyo 153

Dear Mr. Miyazawa: This responds to your August 4, 1980, letter asking whether severa vehicle components would be required to comply with Standard No. 302, *Flammability of Interior Materials*. In particular you ask whether a headlining lamp, a courtesy lamp installed on a door panel, or various pilot indicator lamps and meters installed in the front panel must comply with the requirements.; As you stated in your letter, Section S4.1 of the Standard lists th components required to comply with the standard. Further, that section states that materials designed to absorb energy on contact by occupants must comply with the standard. Since the components that you mention are not listed in S4.1 and since they do not appear to be designed to absorb energy on contact by an occupant, we conclude that they are not required to comply with the standard.; Sincerely, Frank Berndt, Chief Counsel