Interpretation ID: aiam0994
Nissan Motor Co.
560 Sylvan Avenue
Englewood Cliffs
NJ 07632;
Dear Mr. Kato: This is in reply to your letter of January 4, 1973, concerning you continuing uncertainties about the intent of sections S4.3.1.1 and S4.3.1.3 of Standard 210.; In your figure 1, assuming the seat is not adjustable, the contac points would be (b) in the first drawing and (c) in the second. However, a rigid attachment of the length shown in the second drawing would appear to violate the intent of S4.3.1.1 that the angle formed by the webbing in passing from the hardware to the seating reference point should be a forward angle.; In your figure 2, if the bracket can be rotated so that an extension o its centerline would pass through the seating reference point, we would consider point (p) to be the nearest contact point for purposes of S4.3.1.1 and S4.3.1.3.; With respect to the proposed used (sic) of a flexible wire, as shown i figure 3, the ability of the wire to move with reasonable freedom removes it from the category of rigid hardware. We would consider the points shown as (c) and (f) to be the appropriate contact points for purposes of S4.3.1.1 and S4.3.1.3.; Yours truly, Richard B. Dyson, Assistant Chief Counsel