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Interpretation ID: aiam1413
Mr. S. A. Spretnjak, Excel Industries, 1003 Industrial Parkway, Elkhart, IN 46514;
Mr. S. A. Spretnjak
Excel Industries
1003 Industrial Parkway
IN 46514;
Excel Industries
1003 Industrial Parkway
IN 46514;
Dear Mr. Spretnjak: This is in reply to your letter of January 14, 1974, inquiring whethe Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 217, Bus Window Retention and Release' (49 CFR 571,217), prohibits the use of sliding windows as emergency exits in buses. You refer to language in S5.3.1 and S5.4 of the standard which refers specifically to the use of push-out windows as emergency exits.; Standard No. 217 is not intended to prohibit the use of sliding window as bus emergency exits, but such windows must comply with all of the standard's requirements for emergency exits.; Yours truly, Richard B. Dyson, Assistant Chief Counsel