Interpretation ID: aiam0255
Automobili Lamborghini
40019 S. Agata Bolognese (Bologna)
Dear Dr. Catanzano: Thank you for your letter of September 23 informing us of lamborghini' continue progress towards compliance with Federal motor vehicle safety standards.; I want to remind you that Standard No.. 211 precludes the use of whee nuts, wheel discs, and hub caps that incorporate winged projections, such as the one shown in the Espada photograph which I enclose. We have seen several Espadas manufactured in 1969 with wheels identical to this one, and were informed in one instance that the winged projections had been shipped form Italy with the car. Such a shipment violates the spirit, if not the letter of Standard No. 211.; There is no charge for the 'Program Plan for Motor Vehicle Safet Standards', enclosed at your request.; Sincerely, Lawrence R. Schneider, Acting Deputy Chief Counsel