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Interpretation ID: aiam2792

Mr. R. G. Wilkins, Product Safety and Reliability, Grove Manufacturing Co., Shady Grove, PA 17256; Mr. R. G. Wilkins
Product Safety and Reliability
Grove Manufacturing Co.
Shady Grove
PA 17256;

Dear Mr. Wilkins: This responds to your recent letter asking whether plastic glazin materials may be used on the superstructure operator cabs of mobile construction cranes. Apparently, the upper superstructure cab is used only for craning operations and is distinct from the cab used to drive the crane over public highways.; Under Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 205, *Glazin Materials* (49 CFR Part 571.205), plastic glazing may be used only in locations to the rear of the driver in trucks or truck tractor cabs and only at levels not requisite for driving visibility. Therefore, plastic glazing could not be used in the windshield or windows to the right or left of the driver in the main driving cab of the mobile crane. It is our interpretation, however, that the superstructure operator cab is, effectively, to the rear of the driver when the vehicle is being used on the highway and could be equipped with plastic glazing materials meeting the requirements of Standard No. 205. This interpretation assumes that the operator cab cannot be used to drive the mobile crane on the highway. If the operator cab could be used as the driving cab, plastic glazing could only be used in locations to the rear of the driver at levels not requisite for driving visibility.; Please contact this office if you have any questions concerning thi interpretation.; Sincerely, Joseph J. Levin, Jr., Chief Counsel