Interpretation ID: aiam0890
A/S Raufoss Ammunisjonsfabrikker
2831 Raufoss
Dear Mr. Kviteng: This is in reply to your letter to the Docket Section of September 28 1972, on the subject of the test speeds required for the corner impact tests of Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 215, Exterior Protection.; The correct impact speed in corner tests is 3 m.p.h. at both front an rear. The test speed was reduced to this level by a notice of rulemaking published June 22, 1972, and has not been subsequently changed. The publication sent you by the Government Printing Office, in which the speed is erroneously given as 5 m.p.h. for the front and 4 m.p.h. for the rear, is not an official publication and does not affect the requirement.; We regret the error. The test speed will be corrected in futur supplements.; Truly yours, Richard B. Dyson, Assistant Chief Counsel