Interpretation ID: aiam1782
Bendix Corp.
P.O. Box 4001
South Bend
Indiana 46634;
Dear Mr. Farron:#Please forgive the delay in responding to your lette of November 8, 1974, concerning Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 106-74, *Brake Hoses*.#In our letter of July 8, 1974, We explained that a neoprene connector, which you now designate as the Hydrovac Vacuum Connector, is included under the definition of 'brake hose,' set out in the standard, because it is flexible. Your letter of November 8, 1974, suggested that, due to the nature of the connector's installation, it is not subject to the usual hazards associated with the flexibility of brake hose. The connector is nevertheless a 'flexible conduit manufactured for use in a brake system to transmit or contain the fluid pressure or vacuum used to apply force to a vehicle's brakes,' and so cannot be excluded from the definition of 'brake hose' without further rulemaking activity. We are considering the possibility of an amendment of the definition to exclude this type of connector from the coverage of Standard No. 106-74. any such proposal would be published in the Federal Register.#Yours truly,James C. Schultz,Chief Counsel;