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Interpretation ID: aiam0039

Mr. C. F. Talbot, Vice President and Assistant Secretary, McIntosh, Inc., 13881 Himira Avenue, Detroit, MI 48227; Mr. C. F. Talbot
Vice President and Assistant Secretary
13881 Himira Avenue
MI 48227;

Dear Mr. Talbot: Thank you for your letter of November 3, 1967, to Mr. Lowell K Bridwell, requesting clarification on certain aspects of the Motor Vehicle Safety Act.; In answer to your specific questions, please be advised that th supplier of a component of a motor vehicle is a manufacturer within the meaning of the Motor Vehicle Safety Act. However, he is not obligated to certify that the item of motor vehicle equipment he manufacturers complies with the standard unless he is supplying that item to a distributor or dealer, and then only if there is an applicable Federal Standard.; As regards identification of parts, there is no specific requiremen under the Act.; With reference to the entire matter of keeping of records under Sectio 112(c), this Bureau has under study an appropriate program based on evaluation of certification experience during the next few months that will load to specific regulations. It is contemplated that these regulations will have an effective date of January 1, 1969.; If there is any other information you would like, I hope you will le me know.; Sincerely, William Haddon, Jr., M.D., Director