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Interpretation ID: aiam4095

Mr. Earnest Farmer, Director of Pupil Transportation, Tennessee Department of Education, Nashville, TN 37219-5335; Mr. Earnest Farmer
Director of Pupil Transportation
Tennessee Department of Education
TN 37219-5335;

Dear Mr. Farmer: This responds to your February 19, 1986 letter to the National Highwa Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) asking whether Federal motor vehicle safety standards prohibit commercial businesses from using fiberglass on the exterior of school buses. As explained below, the answer to your question is no.; The National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act authorizes NHTSA t issue minimum performance standards for school buses. Our safety standards do not specify the materials to be used for the exterior of school buses. However, the materials chosen by a manufacturer must be strong enough to enable the bus to meet the requirements of those standards. Among those requirements are the rollover protection ones of Standard No. 220, fuel system requirements of Standard No. 301, and strength requirements of Standard No. 221, *School Bus Body Joint Strength*, for body panel joints on school buses with gross vehicle weight ratings over 10,000 pounds. Manufacturers of new school buses using fiberglass for school bus exteriors must certify that their vehicles conform to the requirements of all applicable school bus safety standards.; I hope this information is helpful. Please contact my office if yo have further questions.; Sincerely, Erika Z. Jones, Chief Counsel