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Interpretation ID: aiam3300

Honorable John P. Murtha, Member, U.S. House of Representatives, Post Office Building, Room 15, 201 North Center Avenue, Somerset, PA 15501; Honorable John P. Murtha
U.S. House of Representatives
Post Office Building
Room 15
201 North Center Avenue
PA 15501;

Dear Mr. Murtha: This responds to your recent request for information on behalf of you constituent, Mr. Steve Zufall. Mr. Zufall is interested in the specifications applicable to the manufacture of propane tanks to be used in the conversion of gasoline-powered vehicles. He asked how to obtain 'numbers' to be listed on the tanks and mentioned the designation '4VA-240', which someone had discussed with him.; The enclosed discussion sets forth the implications under Federal la of converting gasoline-powered vehicles to use propane, as well as a general discussion of auxiliary fuel tanks. The applicable statutory authority is the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act, as amended 1974 915 U.S.C. 1381, *et seq*.). The discussion first looks at the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) applicable to fuel systems and then at the defect responsibilities that might be involved. Next, a brief mention is made of the possibility of product liability suits.; There are no requirements under the Federal motor vehicle safet regulations that specify 'numbers' which must be stamped on propane gas tanks. The designation mentioned by Mr. Zufall, 4VA- 240', is actually '4BA-240' and refers to specifications under the Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety regulations relating to fuel systems on commercial vehicles or to tanks used for shipment of propane gas in interstate commerce. These regulations would not apply, however, to tanks or fuel systems on private vehicles. For further information regarding these regulations, Mr. Zufall should contact Mr. W. R. Fiste of the Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety (202-426-0033).; Sincerely, Frank Berndt, Chief Counsel