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Interpretation ID: aiam1766

Mr. John T. Clark,GENALCO, Inc.,322 Reservoir Street,Needham Heights, Massachusetts 02194; Mr. John T. Clark
322 Reservoir Street
Needham Heights
Massachusetts 02194;

Dear Mr. Clark:#Please forgive the delay in responding to your lette of September 19, 1974, requesting a 'manufacturers designation' for the air brake hose assemblies which you manufacture.#S5.2.4(b) of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 106-74, *Brake Hoses*, was amended on January 29, 1974 (39 FR 3680, Docket No. 1-5, Notice 9), and again on February 26, 1974 (39 FR 7425, Docket No. 1-5, Notice 10).#In place of an assemble's code number, assigned by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, S5.2.4(b) of the standard now requires:#>>>A designation that identifies the manufacturer of the hose assembly, which shall be filed in writing with: Office of Standards Enforcement, 'Brake Hose Identification,' National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street S.W., Washington, D.C. 20590. The marking may consist of a designation other than block capital letters required by S5.2.4.<<<#The designation, 'GENALCO, INC.', as depicted in your letter, already satisfies this requirement. This designation is now on file in the Office of Standards Enforcement.#Please note that the symbol DOT and the date of assembly are still required by the third sentence of S5.2.4 to appear in block capital letters and numerals at least one-eighth of an inch high. Please note also that use of the band is required on assemblies manufactured on or after March 1, 1975, and prohibited on assemblies manufactured before that date.#Yours truly,Richard B. Dyson,Acting Chief Counsel;