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Interpretation ID: aiam0435

Alex. Feigelson Company, P. O. Box 432, 500 S. Fourth Street, Beaumont, TX 77704; Alex. Feigelson Company
P. O. Box 432
500 S. Fourth Street
TX 77704;

Dear Sir: In response to your letter of August 23, 1971, the NHTSA neithe requires nor provides forms by which manufacturers must submit quarterly reports pursuant to S 573.5 of the Defect Reports regulations (49 CFR Part 573). Manufacturers are free to use any form they wish in submitting the required information. However, a suggested format is enclosed for your guidance.; Please note that the effective date of the regulation has been extende to October 1, 1971. A copy of the *Federal Register* notice extending the date is also enclosed.; Sincerely, Lawrence R. Schneider, Chief Counsel