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Interpretation ID: aiam0966

Mr. Louis C. Lundstrom, Director, Automotive Safety Engineering, Environmental Activities Staff, General Motors Corporation, General Motors Technical Center, Warren, MI 48090; Mr. Louis C. Lundstrom
Automotive Safety Engineering
Environmental Activities Staff
General Motors Corporation
General Motors Technical Center
MI 48090;

Dear Mr. Lundstrom: This is in response to your letter of January 10, 1973, in which yo asked whether State 'user laws' that prohibit the sale or operation of a motor vehicle without seat belts would be preempted by Standard 208, Occupant Crash Protection, to the extent that the standard allows vehicles to be manufactured with other types of restraint.; The position of this agency is that section 103(d) of the Nationa Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act, 15 U.S.C. 1392(d), requires State laws or rules that have the effect of regulating vehicle design or equipment to be identical to any Federal motor vehicle safety standards governing the same aspects of performance, whether the State rules are phrased as regulating manufacture, sale or operation.; Sincerely, Lawrence R. Schneider, Chief Counsel