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Interpretation ID: aiam1232
Mr. Gino D'Angelo, Director of State Police, Fiscal Management, New York State Police, Albany, NY 12226;
Mr. Gino D'Angelo
Director of State Police
Fiscal Management
New York State Police
NY 12226;
Director of State Police
Fiscal Management
New York State Police
NY 12226;
Dear Mr. D'Angelo: This is in reply to your letter on August 20, 1973, asking that la enforcement vehicles be excluded from a Federal prohibition against headlight flashers.; There is no such prohibition. While paragraph S4.6(b) of Federal Moto Vehicle Safety Standard No. 108 requires headlamps to be steady-burning in use, it also specifically states that 'means may be provided to flash [automatically] headlamps . . . for signalling purposes.' Therefore, manufacturers are not prohibited from equipping vehicles with headlamp flasher units upon customer request.; Yours truly, Richard B. Dyson, Acting Chief Counsel