Interpretation ID: aiam1265
The Temple Building
Suite 707
Seventy-seven West Washington Street
IL 60602;
Dear Mr. Shapiro: This is in reply to your letter of August 28, 1973, concerning Federa Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 218, 'Motorcycle Helmets.' You request information regarding the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standard Z90.1, and all existing State standards or regulations requiring the use of headgear by motorcyclists.; First, it appears you may be under the impression the Z90.1 standar and its revisions were issued by the Federal Government. This is not the case. Although the requirements of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 218 are largely, though not entirely, based on the Z90.1-1971 Standard published by the American National Standards Institute, the Institute is a private organization neither sponsored nor supported by the Federal Government. You will have to write to the ANSI if you want any information concerning the Z90.1 standard and its revisions.; You may obtain the existing State standards or regulations requirin the use of headgear by motorcyclists from the Department of Motor Vehicles in each State, respectively. However, it may interest you to know that any State or local requirements for the design or performance of motorcycle helmets, that have a bearing on safety, will have to be identical to the requirements of the Federal standard when the Federal standard goes into effect.; A copy of Standard No. 218 and a copy of the National Traffic and Moto Vehicle Safety Act of 1966, are enclosed for your information.; Yours truly, Richard B. Dyson, Assistant Chief Counsel