Interpretation ID: aiam3468
Colt Industries
1901 'L' Street
Suite 303
DC 20036;
Dear Mr. Upson: This responds to your recent letter asking whether any Federa regulations apply to propane fuel systems designed for use in motor vehicles.; I am enclosing an information sheet which sets forth the implication under Federal law of converting gasoline-powered vehicles to use propane or other gas, as well as a general discussion of auxiliary fuel tanks. From that discussion, you will see that there are no safety standards directly applicable to propane fuel tanks as pieces of automobile equipment. There are, however, specifications under the Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety regulations relating to propane fuel systems on commercial vehicles or to tanks used for shipment of propane gas in interstate commerce. If your tanks will be used on other than private vehicles, these regulations may be of interest to you. For further information, you may contact Mr. W. R. Fiste of the Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety (202-426-0033).; Sincerely, Frank Berndt, Chief Counsel