Interpretation ID: aiam4047
Chief Co-ordinator
Technical Administration Deptartment
Daihatsu Motor Co.
1.Daihatsu- Cho
Ikeda City
Osaka Prefecture
Dear Mr. Tsujishita: This is in further response to your letter of July 15, 1986, in whic you asked a number of questions concerning our standards and regulations. This responds to your question about Part 585, *Automatic Restraint Phase-In Reporting Requirements*. I hope the following discussion answers your question.; You asked about the requirement in Part 585.5(a)(4) of the regulation That section provides that a manufacturer's report 'contain a statement regarding the extent to which the manufacturer has complied with the requirements of S4.1.3 of Standard No. 208.' You explained that you did not understand what that sentence means and asked whether your sample report conformed to the requirement of the regulation.; S4.1.3 of Standard No. 208 provides for the phasing-in of the automati restraint requirement and sets certain percentage of passenger car production requirements that each manufacturer must meet.; The purpose of Part 585.5(a)(4) is to have each manufacturer state t what degree or extent it has met the applicable phase-in requirement. Thus, a statement, such as the one contained in your sample report, which sets out the percentage of your vehicles produced during an applicable reporting period that comply with the automatic restraint phase-in requirements of the standard would meet the requirement of Part 585.5(a)(4).; If you have any further questions, please let me know. Sincerely, Erika Z. Jones, Chief Counsel