Interpretation ID: aiam1183
Product Reliability and Assurance Department
Signal-Stat Corporation
1200 Commerce Avenue
NJ 07083;
Dear Mr. Politis: This is in reply to your letter of July 10, 1973, to Mr. Schneide asking which SAE Standard incorporated into Standard No. 108 applies to turn signal operating units, SAE J589 or J589a.; The correct standard is SAE J589. You noted that the tables in th standard refer to J589, while paragraph S5.1 states that subreferenced standards shall be those published in the 1970 edition of the SAE Handbook. The key word in S5.1 is '*sub*referenced', *i.e.*, referred to only in an SAE standard itself referenced in the Federal standard. J589 is directly referenced, not subreferenced and the number identified is correct. An example of a subreferenced standard would be J575, which is mentioned in J589.; Yours truly, Richard B. Dyson, Assistant Chief Counsel