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Interpretation ID: aiam0792

Mr. J. Mulvey, Bakelite Xylonite Limited, Industrial Products Division, Brantham, Manningtree, Essex COll lNJ (sic), England; Mr. J. Mulvey
Bakelite Xylonite Limited
Industrial Products Division
Essex COll lNJ (sic)

Dear Mr. Mulvey: Thank you for your letter of June 28, 1972, inquiring about th applicability of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 302 to safety glazing.; Safety glazing is not included in the list of motor vehicle interio materials to which Standard No. 302 applies. However, if your plastic material is used as all or part of a component of vehicle occupant compartments included under S4.1 of the standard, then, it is required to meet the requirements of Standard No. 302. A copy of this standard is enclosed for your reference.; Sincerely, Robert L. Carter, Associate Administrator, Motor Vehicl Programs;