Interpretation ID: aiam1896
United States Senate
DC 20510;
Dear Senator Stone: This is in response to your letter of April 3, 1975, requestin information concerning correspondence from Mr. Gurth G. West commenting on a proposed amendment to the Federal bumper standard by urging that recyclability of bumpers be assured.; Although promulgation of rules that have a direct positive impact o the environmental and energy situation is not within the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's (NHTSA) jurisdiction, the agency gives serious consideration to the effect any of its standards will have on these important areas of concern.; The NHTSA's most recent proposal (March 12, 1975, 40 FR 11598, Docke No. 74-11, Notice 7, Docket No. 73-19, Notice 6) ensures that a wide variety of materials, including metals, could continue to be used in bumper systems.; We greatly appreciate your interest and that of Mr. West in thi matter. You can be sure that his comments will be given every consideration.; Sincerely, James C. Schultz, Chief Counsel