Interpretation ID: aiam1592
The Secretary General
Societe de Signalisations Automobiles
Chemin des Merisiers
Villemoisson-sur-Orge (1)
Dear Mr. Vibart: This is in response to your letter of July 17, 1974, concerning NHTSA' proposal to apply a manufacturer's identification code to motor vehicle lights.; Motor vehicle lights, including those imported in the United States subject to MVSS No. 108, *Lamps, reflective devices, and associated equipment*, would be required to be marked with a manufacturer's identification code under the NHTSA proposal. Just as all motor vehicle lights must meet the performance requirements of Standard 108, if the proposal is adopted as a final rule they would be required to meet the manufacturer's identification code requirement as well.; Thank you for advising us of your views in this matter. We will tak them into account in formulating further action.; Yours truly, Richard B. Dyson, Acting Chief Counsel